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How to Diversify a Portion of Your Money for Safety, Access, Control of your Finances and Tax Preferred Cash Flow.

If you would like to say good-bye to putting all of your money at risk in the stock market and potentially getting a significant reduction in retirement cash flow due to rising taxes, then building some of your wealth beyond Wall Street may make sense.

Wealth Beyond Wall Street allows you to bypass Wall Street, for a portion of your money, and shield yourself from the possibility of rising taxes. This will allow you to still have protection from market volatility and tax increases so you could create more cash flow now and in retirement.

What is Wealth Beyond Wall Street?

Wealth Beyond Wall Street encourages the use of methods such as entrepreneurship, real estate, and investing in yourself to grow your wealth outside of Wall Street. One of the main strategies uses a little-known max funded version of a financial tool that protects against market volatility, grows in the good years, and could provide you a supplemental tax advantaged cash flow in retirement lasting your entire life. The strategy is Indexed Universal Life Insurance.

That’s right. This method uses Indexed Universal Life to help you achieve your financial goals without worry of market volatility and rising taxes. This isn’t the type of life insurance you hear famous radio talk hosts talk about..

We build it a little differently. The conventional way usually includes excessive fees for most people and big commissions paid to greedy insurance agents. Of course, any plan has costs and fees; however, our goal with this method is to reduce those to the lowest guideline level so we can maximize the amount of growth in the insurance policy.

Over time, this could be one of most profitable assets in your portfolio if built and used correctly. The owners of Wealth Beyond Wall Street have over 6 polices between them. It is one of their favorite financial tools and it is helping them achieve their financial goals. If you keep reading, you can discover some of the major benefits of this method.



One thing you will hear from the media today is the importance of growing the biggest nest egg. Now one hand, the more money you can save the better.

On the other hand, more money doesn’t always mean you will have enough to last you throughout your life. Many wealthy people will tell you it is not only about creating the largest next egg.

It’s also about creating cash flow.

In fact, INCOME, or ”cash flow,” is the new and correct focus for true financial independence.

When I started my business I had an income goal to make $200,000 per year. At the age of 21, this was a big number for me and I worked hard to achieve that.

We believe there is a fundamental fallacy in Wall Street teachings that lead people to the conclusion they should be focused on a nest egg number.

It’s called the 4% rule.

Let’s say I do have a 1million-dollar nest egg, and I want this to provide an income for life… (1 million may be well out of reach for many Americans, but let’s take a best case scenario and assume we’ve got a million to work with).

The 4% rule says I should be able to take 4% of your nest egg in income and have it last for the rest of my life.

Well, 4% of $1,000,000 is $40,000. I still have to pay tax on this because it’s more than likely in a 401(k) or Ira. Assuming tax rates are the same, I’ll pay 15% federal and about 6% state, unless you live in a state with no income tax.

That puts me at about $31,600 or just over $2600 per month. For many Americans, this wouldn’t be all that attractive.

Now what happens if the $1,000,000 takes a 30% hit during a market downturn during my retirement? Now I’ve got $700,000. Now my monthly income is down to $1843. Maybe I’m a bigger spender than you, but that’s just not going to cut it for me.

That’s why the 4 percent rule could be broken.

The reason the 4% rule doesn’t work is because of something called “The Sequence of Returns.”

Your nest egg and retirement income can vary greatly depending on whether the market goes up or down in the first couple years of your retirement. For example, if you take the exact same sequence of returns, with some ups and some downs, starting the sequence with your withdrawals in an up market (High early returns), your money would last 37 years. If you started withdrawals in a down market (low early returns), your money would only last 24 years.

This means your retirement could have run out 13 years sooner, just by the luck of the draw.

So following the “Nest Egg” retirement strategy, at this point you are simply “hoping for the best”; hope is not a strategy.

If you are one of the unlucky ones to retire in a down market, it could cost you.

When I realized this, it helped me make a major paradigm shift in my thinking. My goal was no longer to just make a certain “income level”; it was to generate a passive income that my family is able to live on should the worst happen.

So when I discovered the tax-advantaged life insurance policy using the index strategy, I was excited because I wasn’t hoping anymore; I had peace of mind that my money wouldn’t be lost when the market went down, could grow tax-deferred, and could provide me with a supplemental tax-advantaged cash flow

If you do research online, you will find a lot of negatives on this method. Here is the shocking truth: most of them are true…if you build this plan incorrectly, don’t fund it correctly over time, and don’t use it properly.

If you would like to see how a one of these financial tools could benefit you…


Market volatility seems to be more present today than ever before. In the past 15 years we have had two of the biggest downturns in history. With how connected the world is today, volatility is most likely here to stay.

Now some people say, “When you are young, you can afford to take losses because you have time to recover.” They claim that losses when you are young are okay; they don’t hurt as bad as they do when you are older.

Losses on all of your money can hurt. Losses can be especially costly the younger you are because of the opportunity cost. You lose the ability to have that money working for you for the rest of your life. Ouch!

Take a look at the TRUE cost of a $50,000 stock market loss. (HINT: It’s not just $50,000)

Let’s say you lose $50,000 in a market downturn when you are 45 years old. And, let’s assume you could have averaged 7 percent over the next 20 years (which you can in our strategies).

How much did you really lose by the time you retire at the age of 65?

That $50,000 loss really cost you $193,484.

But that’s not where it ends. Because you still have another 20 or so years to live in retirement.

Let’s assume you live to age 85.

That $50k loss just cost you $748,722 dollars.

Your loss didn’t just cost you $50,000. It really cost you three quarters of a million dollars!

Can you see why Warren Buffet’s rule #1 is “Don’t Lose Money”?

We encourage you to beware of this type of thinking: “Don’t sell! Be patient and your money will come back.”

This type of thinking promotes the idea that, after market crashes, if you just hold on, you will eventually “recover” your losses…

…that the money you lost will magically show back up in your account.

This may make sense for a portion of your money. We encourage you ask if it might make sense to diversify a portion of your money to protect against market volatility and downturns.

When you have a loss, take our $50,000 in this example, it’s gone. And it’s not coming back.

Wall Street doesn’t put a deposit back into your account. If your account does recover to the amount before the loss, it happens because the principal left in your account grew enough to replace the amount lost. Recovering significant losses can take anywhere from two to six years on average.

Often people celebrate getting back to even like they won the lottery. Talking heads on TV pat each other on the back and celebrate the “new market high”. If your money was really growing, you’d be experiencing new market highs virtually every month and year.

Getting back to even is better than continued losses, but the real question is how much more money would you have today if you didn’t lose the initial principal in the first place?

(Keep in mind, people often continue contributing to their accounts during the “recovery” period. They mistakenly think they have recovered their losses, when they themselves have contributed substantially to the recovery.)


We are dedicated to helping American families change the way they save and invest so they have control of their money, independence, and financial freedom.

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Wealth Education Group LLC does not make product recommendations. Wealth Education Group LLC is a lead generation marketing company in the business of educating consumers. They may refer prospect information to an insurance producer who pays a fee for prospects information. These insurance producers are independent and have no employee relationship with Wealth Education Group.

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You understand the information herein to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. Wealth Education Group LLC, DBA Wealth Beyond Wall Street (Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap) do not endorse & recommend stock investment or make claims for providing growth opportunities to its users. User is solely responsible for use of any content and thereof understanding of the book/material provided here.

This is an advertisement for a book, which may make reference to indexed annuities, indexed universal life insurance, a form of life insurance and several other strategies.

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Wealth Education Group LLC is not engaged in the business of providing financial, investment, retirement, tax or any other kind of advisory services. The information contained herein should not be construed as advice of any kind.

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All research, case studies, graphs, charts, projections, and the like strictly refer to insurance products and the insurance industry. All documents, materials, representations, references, reflect insurance products offered by a licensed producer in the business of selling insurance products and soliciting insurance business.

All matters discussed in this advertisement are general in nature, are based upon various factual assumptions, and are not intended to guarantee future performance in any particular case. Actual outcomes and rates of return vary widely based upon numerous variables and factors. The suitable kind and amount of insurance must be determined for each person based on all of his or her individualized circumstances, financial situation and needs.

This advertisement is not intended as a formal illustration of any specific life insurance policy or annuity proposed to be issued on any specific life, including the guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements of any life insurance policy.

This advertisement is not intended as a comparison to the benefits, dividends, rates, or any other terms or conditions of any particular insurance policy or other product.

The terms and conditions of any particular life insurance product are subject to change by the issuing insurance company.

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