The Roadmap to Wealth and Independence with Peace of Mind

Introducing Suzie Self: Her Passions, Values, and Skills

Suzie Self hails from Portland, Oregon, and has always been an enthusiastic supporter of the Portland Trailblazers NBA team. Her parents' dedication to taking her to games and special Blazer Banquets instilled the value of hard work in her from a young age.

Family is Suzie's top priority, and she makes sure to spend quality time with her mother, her grown daughter, and long hair miniature dachshund, Maize. Suzie enjoys playing softball, as well as cycling through the beautiful scenic areas surrounding Portland.

Suzie is a proud holder of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and French, with a Minor in Human Services. She served as President of a non-profit organization that supports local businesses and gives back to the community. Suzie firmly believes in the importance of contributing to the community and making a difference.

Suzie's father instilled in her the importance of planning for the future and taking care of loved ones in case of unforeseen circumstances. He set up several annuities with income riders to ensure Suzie's mother's financial security, even after retirement. Suzie learned from her father's wisdom and understood the importance of leaving legacy and taking care of your family. She is committed to helping her clients prepare for their financial futures through education and working hand in hand with families to customize a program that works for them.

Suzie's Journey: A Life Dedicated to Service

With a background in psychology, Suzie's passion for serving others began with working alongside some of Oregon's most violent adolescents. Later on, her career led her to manage the adult criminally insane ward at the Oregon State Hospital. After starting a family, Suzie shifted her focus towards community-oriented work with non-profits and businesses. Today, she has identified a niche where she believes she can make the most significant impact on people's lives - the insurance industry. Suzie founded Self Agency Inc., where she provides education and financial security to individuals and their families, helping them manage their money and find the best avenues to build wealth. Suzie's aim is to help families leave a lasting legacy.

Suzie’s Motto

"Changing Lives One Family At A Time"

You can reach Suzie through any of the following channels – Text, Call or Email:

Cell Phone: 971-221-0149
Business line: 971-298-7772
Email: selfagencyinc@gmail.com

“Successful retirement is defined as a stream of income sufficient to sustain your chosen standard of living.

That standard of living is measured by income not the value of a pile of money.”

The Lump Sum Illusion

"What we need to be focused on is creating an INCOME not just a lump sum."

“There’s a big difference between wealth and income.

Knowing I have a million dollars doesn’t tell me the lifestyle I can enjoy from that million. What we care about is the lifestyle.

So you can forget fund values, income is all that matters. Just knowing how much money you have doesn’t tell you how you can live. You need to know how much you can buy.

The primary concern of the saver remains, what it always has been: Will I have sufficient income in retirement to live comfortably?”

— Robert C. Merton

6 Retirement Risks

Protection Risk

An untimely death or accident can create additional stress and financial pressure on our closest loved ones if we don't plan ahead.

Market Risk

A single 20% or 30% market crash can not only hurt your account balances, but it can cause you to run out of money years sooner.

Tax Risk

CPA and Tax Expert Ed Slott says “Taxes are a larger risk than market crashes.” If you have all your retirement income in qualified plans like IRAs and 401(k)s that require you to pay taxes when you take the money out, you have a huge tax liability.


Statistics show that long term health care costs can be the largest expense in retirement. What have you done to protect your nest egg and your family from being hammered by this expense?


Will your nest egg provide enough income to give you the retirement you want, for as long as you live? Most people have no idea.


Longevity is the great RISK MULTIPLIER. Do you know how long you will live? Hopefully a long prosperous life. Longer life spans multiply the likelihood of each of these risks happening to you.