The Roadmap to Wealth and Independence with Peace of Mind

Aaron Wilhelm

Aaron grew up in Huntington Beach, California, a vibrant coastal city known for its beautiful beaches and iconic surf culture. Aaron is the middle son in his family, with an older brother and a younger sister. He now has a bustling household with his four precious kids: twin boys, two girls, and his beautiful Albanian wife. Their family is completed by a loyal Dogo Argentino dog, who adds joy and companionship to their home.

One of Aaron's cherished childhood memories is the annual family road trips they took across the United States. Driving from California to Indiana, then up to South Dakota, and back, allowed him to appreciate the diverse landscapes and cultures of America. Now, he enjoys creating similar memories with his own children, fostering a love for exploration and appreciation of the world.

Aaron finds joy in spending time outdoors and traveling with his family, especially to Kosovo, Montenegro, and Albania to visit his wife's family. He also enjoys camping, playing music, engaging in outdoor activities like boating and swimming, and prioritizes personal development through physical and spiritual practices. Teaching his children these values is a priority for Aaron, as he believes in nurturing both body and spirit.

The most significant aspect of Aaron's life is his faith and relationship with the Lord. He leads his family with a strong spiritual foundation, guiding them with grace and wisdom. Aaron believes in the transformative power of faith and strives to align his life with biblical principles, finding purpose and fulfillment in his journey with God.

Aaron is actively involved in supporting various religious and charitable organizations. He contributes to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Andrew Wommack Ministries, and Guidelines International Ministries, seeing it as his duty and privilege to give back to his community and those in need.

“Successful retirement is defined as a stream of income sufficient to sustain your chosen standard of living.

That standard of living is measured by income not the value of a pile of money.”

The Lump Sum Illusion

"What we need to be focused on is creating an INCOME not just a lump sum."

“There’s a big difference between wealth and income.

Knowing I have a million dollars doesn’t tell me the lifestyle I can enjoy from that million. What we care about is the lifestyle.

So you can forget fund values, income is all that matters. Just knowing how much money you have doesn’t tell you how you can live. You need to know how much you can buy.

The primary concern of the saver remains, what it always has been: Will I have sufficient income in retirement to live comfortably?”

— Robert C. Merton

6 Retirement Risks

Protection Risk

An untimely death or accident can create additional stress and financial pressure on our closest loved ones if we don't plan ahead.

Market Risk

A single 20% or 30% market crash can not only hurt your account balances, but it can cause you to run out of money years sooner.

Tax Risk

CPA and Tax Expert Ed Slott says “Taxes are a larger risk than market crashes.” If you have all your retirement income in qualified plans like IRAs and 401(k)s that require you to pay taxes when you take the money out, you have a huge tax liability.


Statistics show that long term health care costs can be the largest expense in retirement. What have you done to protect your nest egg and your family from being hammered by this expense?


Will your nest egg provide enough income to give you the retirement you want, for as long as you live? Most people have no idea.


Longevity is the great RISK MULTIPLIER. Do you know how long you will live? Hopefully a long prosperous life. Longer life spans multiply the likelihood of each of these risks happening to you.